
the county granada all so owes its name to a seedy root

The country is Grenada, but Granada is a province and city in Spain, a department and city in Nicaragua, etc.

garnet - a pomegranate colored gem

granadilla - a passionflower related fruit/plant/wood.
granary - a storehouse for grain
granatin - a chemical found in pomegranates
granatite/grenatite - another name for staurolite
granatum - bark/stem of pomegranate used as a remedy
graniferous - bearing seeds
graniform - shaped like corn
granilla - small grains or dust of cochineal or the coccus insect
granita - an icy beverage or dessert
grantic/granitical - hard as granite
granitification - forming into granite
granitiform - like granite
granitin - an aggregate mineral
granitite - granite rich in biotite
granitization, granitize, granitoid -
granivorous - eating grain
granodiorite - course-grained igneous rock
granola - you know
granolith/ic - paving of chipped granite
granophyre - another type of rock
granophyric - like "
granoplasm - granular protoplasm
granula, granular, granulatio, granulation, granule, granuliform, granulodipose, granuloblast, granuloblastosis, granulocorpuscle, granulocyte, -cytic, ... , granuloma, ... (as you can tell I'm being held hostage in a medical dictionary...)

grenache? - red grape - no etymology given
grenadier - a soldier with grenades
Grenadines - a chain of islands

I've bored even myself now, so I'll stop.