
...As for language out of control, perhaps it's time to establish a Language Academy by presidential fiat, act of Congress, or constitutional amendment. It would be fun. Use a greengrocer's apostrophe, go to jail. There are no such things as victimless crimes. Bob the Angry Flower can be the first generalisimo of the American [sic] Language Academy. A typo would be a misdemeanor and not capitalizing a proper noun would, too. Three infractions and you're off to the punctuation farm. Zero tolerence!

It is surprising who did and who did not write the preceding. Certainly sounds on track there, even for one ignorant of greengrocer punctuation and emotional botany [?]. A. had a cannon loaded with a too-familiar rant for another thread that sounded similar:

Sorry but intolerant Aramis found this particularly disturbing coming from one rumoured to be in the newspaper business, where the promotion of illiteracy can be wielded like a tidal wave. Where is this coming from? Must we shout from the rooftops? Everyone should run to a window and yell out, “I’m mad as you-know-where, and I’m not going to take this anymore! I.e. does not mean incompetent episode, illiterate example or even ignoratio elenchi! I.e. is id est , res ipsa loquitur!” This insanity must be stopped at any cost. We must call for Jihad against all who would blaspheme Webster and his sacred scripture, al-Dic’tion-ary, lest the Decline of Civilization bury us in ignorance! [The usual Channel 7 editorial disclaimer applies.]
