my newest catch phrase--is
that is so last century! --i use it when someone says mail (and start to give me a street address)
or when they offer to share photo's, (and bring out a pile of snap shots, that i have to look at, with them looking over my shoulder, expaining every shot) or when they talk about going down to 34th street to the airline ticket office.

It's so last century!
me, i am living in the 21st century, and abandoning last century practices as fast as i can.
i've had digital images for over 10 years (and a digital camera for 5). I have an on-line photogallery, and while i do occationally print an image, i ususally just share images electronicly.

sure, i knit. but knitting is not totally anachronisitic.
it can be. there are knitters who haven't looked at or imagined anything new in eons. but there are wonderful new things in knitting. --take socks.. for 500 years, they were knit, one at time, on sets of double pointed needles.

i knit mine, 2 at time, on 2 circular needles. the socks look the same, but the process is new.

sure, hand knitting is old fashioned, but trust me, once you feel customed sized hand knit socks!! (oh, did i mention, i knit in wool, but not old fashioned wool. i use 'superwash' -a treated wool that can be machine washed and dried)

my hand knit wool sock might seem old fashioned, but they are nothing like the socks your grandmother knit.
mine are custome made luxure items!