Nope. Not an ad. Nothing commercial visible on the site at all. A tad political, but nothing commercial.


Welcome to the board. We are perhaps overly sensitive to people crashing in and trying to sell something here. All too frequently we get people who will post simply to try to sell their on-line novel or their MLM scheme or their African money-laundering futures or whatever else they can scheme up. Some years back I myself got nailed for posting a way to get free access to the online OED; I made the mistake of adding that if people joined this particular book club and dropped my name then I'd get a free book or two. MISTAKE!!!! An honest mistake, but . . . .

We go through spates of limerick-writing here from time to time, but as a guideline we tend to avoid politics and religion, both of which have almost always led to periods of discontent, squabbling, flame wars, etc. So we have found over the years that GENTLY discouraging those avenues of discussion in favor of stuff about words and language works better for us.

So start us off with a silly limerick or two and many of us will join in and have a good time. And have you considered double dactyls?