Yes, the quote's above this post is one thing, the one you stated before up higher was refering to somthing else. However I am not denying you as in I won't listen to you. I'm just trying to clear up what you are talking about. So no it wasn't a "further explication." But I still say that messages such as you just displayed would be to easy to read to be really used as code. And depending on which type of hacking we are talking about varys in wether or not it needs to be kept hush-hush. I would assume computer hackers would not succumb to such code, they would of never been 5 steps ahead of Microsoft everytime then. But in the world of Multi-Player games, it is possible, but even then, they take only seconds to break unless you got more than a mild case of dyslexia. But again no, the so called "noobs" do not own 1337 but just carried on the word as we kids carried words from our parents generation. Any other statements are welcomed for I want to see if anyone can come down with hard proof other than online dictionarys or news sites for they never really have to much truth in it. But as I said before, it is very unlikly since from the very first time I saw the leetspeak, I could read it very well.

~Ari I'm not that smart, but I might be right.