It is not, it is used widespread in the gaming community by hackers and non-hackers alike. I use it, and most refer to it as leet or 1337. Example: If they see a cool move or somthing they like, anything, it doenst even have to be online. They would say "That's leet." "Leet haxor" is still used but mainly as a joke. Its just only text and a way of speaking. I don't suppose any of you know what Purepwnage is? It is two things; one, a slang term pwn being the same but more recent version of own; two, a online series of shows. The site link for the show is: I recommend watching it. Not only is it funny, but can give you an idea of how these terms were used. Most are real terms, but some I never heard of either.

Heres the an excerpt off the main page:


"i pwn noobs liek hard rite n my roomate has dis camera rite so hes all liek 'we can make a show lol' n im liek dats teh pwnage n stuf n hes liek i no lol so im liek ok film me noob n hes liek ok so we did lololol
thne we lukd at it rite n were liek 'omfg stfu dats pure pwnage lol' so we made dis site n stuf rite n now were gonna b famose!!!!

That's over doing it there but you get the idea. Im sure some of you will be disgusted with the grammar and spelling here, but keep in mind its all on purpose most of the time, not out of ignorance(I can't speak for everyone on that point). As I was saying I could refer to this show being 'leet'.

~Ari I'm not that smart, but I might be right.