
"The exact reasons for the obfuscation of text with Leet are disputed, but the most probable reason is that hackers needed to communicate without outsiders being able to intercept the message..."

This statement is by all means false. I'm sure you will all agree that in any generation(excluding those without means of a vocal or written langauge) have changed the way to say things, either in pronunciation of it or the way of which it is displayed, for reasons to make themselves look 'cool' or be origional. Hackers more just encrypt or lock their messages if we are talking about computer or software hackers. For online gamers, they either just lie or say they do hack and crash the server. Most people in the gaming scene knew then and most knows now what 1337 was and is. Hackers would have commuicated before or during(with the help of such programs as Xfire, and VoIP programs as in Ventrilo and TeamSpeack RC2 ect..) the game play and would never have to code any text.

What do you guys think? Most of my stuff is opinionated yes, but do you really think that hackers needed such code words?

Excerpt taken from site that was provided about leetspeak.

~Ari I'm not that smart, but I might be right.