is that it always seemed to me as if someone took 100 million hole-punch circles, dropped them in a tornado, and then the teacher takes the class around to visit a very few of those indivual circles and then takes us to a mountain top and says, "Now, see the pattern?"

"Woids kinnot exPRISS my disatisFECKshun."

Never once have I had a history class that was not accutely unpleasant.

OTOH, I can say the same thing about music. It's not clear to me whether the fault was with the teachers or the stubborn student or some combination. In any case, I'm at least aware now that history doesn't have to be such an miserable and uninformative experience. There are some writers who are at least able to go into the whirl of circles and trace out a few constellations of information and a few threads of knowledge in that mess.