curds and whey-- just like little miss muffet--

when we hear "curds and whey" it doesn't sound very appatizing. but cottage cheese (plain curds) is okay--
and yogurt is an other form of curds and whey--(soft creamy curds!)

some foods "sound good" our attitude towards the words (or our familiarity with a similar form) effects how we think of things.

Offal sounds awful-- but pate sounds nice-- and what is pate but chopped liver mixed with fat?

Who wants the frozen fatty extract of an animals glands? no one? how about some ice cream?

the old saw is people who like sausages or politics should never watch them being made...
there are a lot of food, that when we analyze how they are made--or where they come from-- that are pretty gross.

Name can change our a feeling about a food-- I've alway though French potatoes must taste better-- since they are apples of the earth I make a stew that includes ground nuts-- most people are willing to taste it-- but if i tell them its a stew made with peanut butter-- they are sure that a gravy made from tomatoes, coconut milk, peanut butter and hot peppers can't taste good!

call your son's mixture something special-- a golden sunrise drink-- and he might be more willing to try it.