Oooo, mulled wine is also a great winter drink. Best made from non expensive Beaujolais (since heating more expensive wines brings a tear to my eye) 375ml, 250ml of REAL orange juice, 50ml sugar, add nutmeg and cinnamon to taste (about ¾ tablespoon each) and five cloves. Let boil for three to five minutes. Makes 2 drinks.

With dinner, I really like to have red wine. I like most wines but I find I am partial to Madirans, Haut-Médocs, Corbières and Coteaux-du-Languedocs – depending on what I am eating. Australian wines are just starting to hit the shelves so I have not found a favorite yet – won’t be too long though [hiccup emoticon here] .

Milk I drink only with chocolate cake and in the morning, mixed with Quick, while I eat toast with peanut butter and/or strawberry jam.

Coke / Pepsi rarely. Coffee everyday. Water morning and night. Beer with pizza is a must, and when pals come over and we have some easy food like hamburgers or b.b.q.

And a Québec favorite at party time; Bloody Caesars…in a highball glass, a mix of Vodka (1 – 1 ½ oz) Clamato juice (a mix made from tomato juice and clam juice…don`t say yuck it is quite nice), a dash of Tobasco and celery salt around the rim of the glass.