I generally just go into a light trance after passion, rather than a coma, but I get your drift.

There's a guideline for nor as opposed to or. The former is most often paired with neither, while or is paired with either. And since there is no neither expressed or implied in the two sentences, nor does not appear to be appropriate. Also, somewhere in the back of my mind there is a gut feeling that you generally do the either-or or the neither-nor thing with two options. Either go left or go right. Go neither right nor left.

It depends on what you are doing with these sentences, to a great extent, and without knowing it's a bit tough to give you an answer, but I would be inclined to recast as:

"Dismiss not passion, grace or thoughtful concern." That differs from "Do not dismiss passion, grace, or thoughtful concern" in that the second one is directive in nature while the first would be viewed, at least IMHO, as more of a suggestion than a direction.