Go for it, Mech. My view of Latin at age of 11 was soured by the circumstances, but it’s an undoubted asset if you want to further develop your appreciation of languages, being as you imply a major foundation stone in many tongues. I have since picked up a fair bit of Latin just from my study of English etymology; since you enjoy words you will doubtless get a real kick out of the study.

My only caveat, to use a suitable Latin term, would be to make sure you understand that you will be learning a different language. This may seem an obvious enough point, but you might be surprised at how many people confuse themselves and others by trying to force English into the straitjacket of a foreign syntax – “this is how the Latin worked, so it must be the same in the English version derived from it!” Nuh-uh ~ calques, loanwords and other processes contribute to a language’s development in much more complex ways than straightforward adoptions of a word stem might suggest. But I expect you already appreciate this. Have fun.