Reminds me of the story about Father McGillicutty, who was sitting in the confessional box one day, waiting for business. He heard the door open and someone came in and sat down on the other side. Then a voice spoke.

"Father, this morning Rabinowitz's twin daughters came up to my apartment, said they wanted me, and we had monkey sex for nine hours. And they said when they left they were so exhausted they would have to come back tomorrow for more!"

The good Father paused and said to himself, "I know that voice." So he slid open the screen and sure enough, there was 77-year old Itzach Hershkowitz sitting there. "Mr. Hershkowitz, you're Jewish," he admonished, "Why are you coming in here tellling me this."

The old fellow cackled. "Hee hee. I'm telling EVERYONE!"