
I notice that the intellectual calibre of posts has plummeted since my departure.

Not to sound to doltish and un-intellectual, for I am just one of the low level maggots that crawls around here on A-WAD, but since when does this forum or group run purely off of what you do. think, say or orate to the public at large? Whom gave you the authority to go about saying whether or not I or anyone else has any intelligence?

My first initial thoughts concerning you, when I happened upon a differing thread that you have posted, was that hum here is a man who just might see the lighter side of life.

Silly me! {slaps her self on the fore-head}

Then I come to this thread and OMG! I can not believe what I am reading. And yes I am so upset by all of this that I am reverting to my base nature of using little words in the hopes that they just might make sense due to, oh that is right, I am not intelligent enough to have any calibre to my posts.

I would think, and may haps this is where my faux pas is centered, that a man, who obviously has a some what higher then normal etymological and intellectual understanding of the english language, just might assist in building up your fellow man, lead them on, show them how to speak or understand the higher words and language usages that are available.

But alas this is not what is shown at all. I see that you depict very well what you are doing in your following statement, and I quote:


I have began to stoop one rung lower than character assassinations. I am now slandering the appearance of posters' from their avatars. I have become disgusting. Contemptible. Despicable. But this monster has resulted from a failure of homeostatic coercion just as the condemned murderer on the cruciform execution gurney is martyred for the sins of a society of whose law of averages he is the inevitable aberration. I am a Pneumatic Gnostic among Hylics. A frustrated Titan on a foundering Ship of Fools. You push each other around in the dark, I shudder in the ugly light. You are grey and brown. I am garish as a poisonous insect.

But unfortunately you yet again step down and beat those whom do not meet you particular high standards as is evident in the following:


My posts are interesting. A coach-a-bower is certainly more interesting than "Does this telephone commercial make sense" or the question of some idiot who doesn't know how to use a thesaurus. But you all chose to ignore that thread like a group of catty schoolgirls. Why? Because if my posts are not genuinely interesting, they are wonderfully ridiculous: yes, iamkimjoochang. The man who will not admit that is funny is an old goat who knows nothing about life. I like tswum, Father Steve, Ted, themilum (because it appears his imagination has, until recently, accommodated the idiosyncrasies of genius) and a few others. But as for the rest of you (of troy, Jackie, consuelo, et al) when I read your posts I would like to ram the jagged end of a broken bottle in to my face. My grandmother has more interesting things to say than you, and she actually is an old cryptic crossword biddy (bless her soul). Seriously. Your posts bore me to distraction. And so, after all my hard work to try and bring some life to this board I must finally admit, fcuk this, it is too late: You. Are. Dead.

This saddens and sickens me. I am going on record as saying I want nothing to do with you or your misguided ideals; unless, and this is only unless, you manage to pull your head out of the clouds and realize you are human right along with the rest of us. I admit whole heartedly that I every now and then use a thesaurus, especially when I can not remember a word that is on the tip of my tongue. I admit I am not a genius with words and get tripped up at times. I admit that I am human and ask what looks like stupid questions. But you know what?! I was always taught that if I do not know something, ask! For to not ask is worse then asking and getting a stupid answer.

With this said, I will end my little, silly and un-intellectual statement which will just bore you to tears and allow you to want to place that bottle through your face time and again.

Last edited by AlimaeHP; 02/07/06 11:37 PM.