i don't know how wives fare down under-- but statistics in US show that longevity increases for males once they marry, and decreased for females.
So the longest lived populations is
Never married women
followed by
women married less than 20 years
women married more than 20 years
men marrid more than 20 years
men married less than 20 years
unmarried men.

Every day an american wife stays married after 20 years, she is giving up some of her live expectantcy to her husband..

Now maybe you Ozzie's and Zild's are kinder to your spouses... but your post doesn't indicate it.
You should get down on your knees and kiss her feet this very minute!! and not just her feet, the very ground she walks upon.. and not just today-- everyday! (do it often enough, and she might be willing to forgo a year or two of life..and if you tell her you got the idea at AWAD-- she might give up the idea you're wasting time on the computer! )

The very idea! we little women work our fingers to the bone, bear your children, and you insult us!

Of course men can have equality with women--once they are equal to it!
all said in good spirit--but really you should kiss her feet every once in a while...