
Hast thou found me, O mine enemy?


First off, we are not your enemy. You have met the enemy and it is you, to paraphrase the immortal Pogo. You are the one who came in here and started attacking, once while Ulrich and now while wearing the Homo Loquenz sock. There is a term for this: trolling, and there are whole treatises on the subject. I think if you were to read a couple of them with open mind you'd recognize that you're the problem, not the solution.

I said this privately to a guy who wanted to turn AWADtalk into a Christian talk show:

Every board needs new blood to keep it healthy, functional and interesting. However, just like a human body, the new blood must be compatible with the old blood, otherwise there is a reaction which causes either the rejection of the new blood or the death of the organism.

No matter what you think, this board IS an organism. Many of us have been here over five years; some of us have moved on, all too frequently because of a reaction to an infusion of new blood that was incompatible with the organism. We hate it when that happens.

You've said that you didn't call anyone stupid, that you just said we look stupid. In my estimation that is just so much hairsplitting.

Here's what you said:

"Trying to run downt Joyce is so very silly. He is one of the most important writers of the modernist movement. Even the dictionary will tell you that. And unlike the hack blurb-authors of dust-jacket hyperbole, lexicographers don't throw superlatives at writers willy-nilly.

"At the risk of offending some of you, I have to say that you are only making yourselves look stupid."

First off, having a different opinion from yours does not make one silly. It means only that someone disagrees with you. I think Joyce is unreadable, verbose, incomprehensible, meandering, maudlin, overbearing, and oh did I mention unreadable. If, as you say, he is among the best of the modernist movement, that may go a long way towards explaining why I and a whole bunch of other people don't read the stuff. WE DO NOT LIKE IT! We have an opinion on it that is just as valid as yours, though in disagreement with it. I didn't say this makes you look stupid as you said of me.

When called upon it, you said that you didn't say I was stupid, you said I looked stupid. That's utter crap, and you know that as much as I know that. You sling pejoratives around, referring to Betsy as an idiot, and expect that you can fall back on the "I was only joking" excuse.

You cannot. We may forgive, but we will never forget that you attacked indiscriminately, safe in your little self-contrived world, pulling the strings of one puppet after another.

I will not vote on your staying or going because neither I nor any of the other people here are enfranchised; your asking for a vote does not empower anyone to do so; that decision lies solely in the hands of the Wordmaster, who runs a benevolent dictatorship. In the five-plus years this board has been in operation almost five thousand people have registered here yet only one person has been banned. For an unmoderated board I consider that an excellent track record since it shows that we are willing to tolerate a lot of stuff.

As I said in a previous post, get along or get along down the road to some other place; though it's obvious that you've been pooping in several other punchbowls and you probably will find your welcome there very short unless you change your attitude and lose the anger that poisons you from within.