
Ulrich? My name is Sebastian. You are mistaking me for another poster, probably because I mentioned in another thread something I read in the AWADtalk archives.

You're certain about your name? Here's a post from Homo Loquenz on another board, two months ago, at high noon:

Do you know what? I began reading your essay 'Be Brief" without at first knowing it was "instruction by negative example". Something was fishy all right, but what? I was well near half-way through it before I realised that surely to God a written excoriation of verbiage that used so much first-class verbiage had to be a joke! I'd been duped!

Henry, you're very tech savvy if you're as old as Mudge implies you are! Do you know my mother cannot even TURN ON the computer, and she's only... no, if she found out I told you her age, my life would be over.



That board is found at this URL: http://snipurl.com/khem

Sancho Panza:

A little gossip... a little chat...
A little idle talk of this and that...
If no one listens,
Then it's just as well,
At least I won't get cuaght in any lies I tell