
The majority of us come here as a haven from shite and onions and do not appreciate it when someone like you comes along and makes life on the board a miserable place to seek refuge.

Really? Is that what I am doing? According to who?

What an extraordinarily unexpected twist this query about mailing lists has taken!

It is certainly not my intention to make your lives miserable, and so, seeing as this thread has already reached the all-time low watermark of ad hominem digression from the discussion of words, I propose a game:

Two more affirmative answers to the above question (by two more posters save yourself, whose vote has been counted) and Homo Loquens strikes out, thereupon to tie up his immigrants' handkerchief bundle of Joycean abstrusiosities, and disappear into cyberspace.

Ulrich? My name is Sebastian. You are mistaking me for another poster, probably because I mentioned in another thread something I read in the AWADtalk archives.

Last edited by Homo Loquens; 12/06/05 03:31 AM.