Forgive me, I should have corrected this in my original post. Mock-illiterate is not the appropriate term to use for this type of writing. It would be more appropriate to call it writing in dialect. I think if I were dyslexic, I would be more upset by you equating my disability to illiteracy than by reading anything that was written in dialect. Several of us personally have met one member here that is dyslexic and she has never objected to any of us purposefully misspelling words on this board and she does not come here to "improve his(her)literacy", but to engage in interesting discourse and enjoy playing with words and ideas. She knows that we value her vast knowledge and keen wit more than her spelling abilities and that we would never pick her posts apart, pointing out the errors she makes. Could you say the same, Ulrich?

God help us it has all gotten suddenly very, very childish

I would say instead "God help us it has all gotten suddenly very, very holier than thou."
I was merely practicing "jocose banter", trying to lighten a bit the load you have suddenly dumped on this board while you, on the other hand, appear to be an equal opportunity insulter. The majority of us come here as a haven from shite and onions and do not appreciate it when someone like you comes along and makes life on the board a miserable place to seek refuge. As TEd said in another thread,

I think you have a lot to offer, but not when you call people idiots and accuse them of ineptness.