Sj: Thank you for your response, but I was sure everybody would understand. Forgive me all to pieces for being unclear. The tenders of needy children would be a cadre of participants in the Institute's work; "tender" meaning one who cares for or looks after--eg, if I am your doctor I tend to your wounds. Thus I am a tender. Those who go to the conference once a year get together as tenders of children but then disperse to their respective homes or institutions to carry on the work of the Institute act as an attendant: SERVE...apply oneself to the care of: watch have or take charge of as a caretaker or overseer....syn TEND ATTEND MIND WATCH--Merriam Collegiate

Again my abject apologies of those of you who were confused about my apparent failure to employ the correct parts of speech in every particular

Last edited by dalehileman; 11/29/05 07:25 PM.
