Thanks, guys, for the spam filter info, though that's not really my problem. This has hardly ever happened to me, just a few times from well-meaning friends (of friends). I will check out that "netiquette" site, thanks, Max; and the site you posted, too, thanks, Jackie .

wow, I am a die-hard Mac person so I don't know from Outlook. My E-mail program has an option called "blind c/c," whence I learned the term. It might be called something else in Gatesville. If you don't see something like that, your option might be to create a group mailing list and then send the E-mail to yourself to preserve the others' privacy... not sure about that, though. But there are lots of folks here to help you.
Bravo to you for cleaning up forwards before sending them on. You and I must be among the 100th of 1 percent who do so. It's only courteous.