
. . . "You can have him after I've arrived him."

I was mulling this over this morning and even I could think of another way to say it that didn't involve using a verb that, up until now and to the best of my knowledge, had been only intransitive. What I got wondering, and this is really my only question although I'm sure some will run amok decrying the usage, is whether having another way of saying something is a valid criticism of any usage. I maintain that there's always another way to say it.

Come again?

I'm sorry, Fong, but that is an abomination. Users should be punished by summary, public, removal of the tongue, without anesthesia, as an example to others who would even think about using this grotesquery.

And yes, there are always other ways to say almost any particular something, but many of them are just plain wrong. This one's a case in point.

TEd, proud to be a prescriptivist, proud to be a defender of good English, proud to stand against the tide of evil that is eroding our beautiful language, even if that stand be fruitless. And proud to have Father Steve close at hand.