he told me to type a "back tick." He eventually had to show me that he meant the <`> key

` for me would probably be a grave (pron: graav), from the variety of cute accents the French use. More's the pity that I only have the apostrophe to stand for the acute '. Old word processing programs used to give us the ability to superimpose one character on top of another so that I could recreate all those lovely accented characters without recourse to an ASCII code reference. Ah well.

Just to add to the thread - I'm probably completely with Jo on this one:

. is a full stop.

" " are inverted commas (though I use 'quotes' a great deal more these days).

' is an apostrophe, but only if it is being used to mark missing letters or possession.

And while the leyboard I'm currently using has a tilde ~ and a circumflex ^ (though a bit pointy), I can see no cedilla (sp. bel?). So much for the full range of French accents...