> there is no such thing as a free lunch.
And then, one man's "real expert" is another person's propaganda minister.

Agreed. I haven't really used wiki much, but I recently found the 'current events' section surprisingly good. While surveying information on Hurricane Katrina I found the wiki entry to be nothing if not thorough. Sure, it may be that a few errors creep in now and again but these are entries about complex, ongoing events and mistakes are fine as long as they are updated as the errors come to light. Wiki doesn't fulfil the 'dead tree' requirements cause it is very different from them and generally vastly more useful and interesting as an everyday reference tool (not for research), and its cheaper and faster.

I think the layout here is crucial too and they have it nailed. Is it a hodge-podge? For some entries it certainly is. And sometimes that's exactly what you want - an overview. Fact remains that for a good number of topics there is no place on the Net that offers such a wide range of hodge-podge in one place:-)