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#148591 10/01/05 02:01 AM
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Jackie Offline OP
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Welcome to AWADtalk; we're glad that you have joined us. Here is information which will help you to learn your way around.

You can find out all kinds of things, like how people chose their nicknames, and how you acquire board titles, and modes of reading the board, by following this link (many thanks to jmh for compiling them):


And this link will take you to a discussion of certain conventions adopted by the board members, and why we've adopted them:


Here are some commonly used linguistics abbreviations:

IE Indo-European (as in the IE lgs)
PIE Proto-Indo-European (as in the hypothetical ancestor of the IE lgs)
OE Old English
ME Middle English
NE / PDE Modern English (New English and Present Day English)
OFr, MFr, Fr Old, Middle, and Modern French
Gk Greek
Skt Sanskrit
L Latin
adj adjective
sb substantive / noun
adv adverb
vb verb

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Much of the information in the Hints file listed above has been OBE in the newer Wordsmith Talk forums. It might be helpful to newcomers for us to cover some of the old FAQs here.

One question or complaint that often comes up regards the inability to add white space to or otherwise format text. This can be accomplished via use of "code" markup tags, which are equivalent to HTML <pre> (preformat) tags. When you "reply" to a post, one of the post options you are given is the # button (Wrap some text in code tags). This inserts a code pair into the reply field and you can then format the text any way you like between the code tags.


this           for          example.

Last edited by tsuwm; 04/16/07 06:00 AM.
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Carpal Tunnel
Carpal Tunnel
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Please Tsuwm, I just experienced that something can go really wrong when you wrap up a larger text just like that. I could delete two mishaps through 'threaded mode'but the last out of order one sticks for good (bad, I mean)

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Carpal Tunnel
Carpal Tunnel
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Also, it is possible to put in your text, highlight it and then add the code tags

like           this


This saves trying to squeeze in between the opening and closing tags, which can be a problem for some of us geezers.

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Carpal Tunnel
Carpal Tunnel
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Geezer, feminine form: gezeera , definitely from Sanskrit, has restored mishaps and misunderstoods.

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Carpal Tunnel
Carpal Tunnel
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just how much code are you trying to do? (notice the scroll bar)


i have found what you are like
        the rain,

                (Who feathers frightened fields
        with the superior dust-of-sleep. wields

        easily the pale club of the wind
        and swirled justly souls of flower strike

        the air in utterable coolness

        deeds of green thrilling light
                                      with thinned

        newfragile yellows

                          lurch and.press

        -in the woods


        And the coolness of your smile is
        stirringofbirds between my arms;but
        i should rather than anything
        have(almost when hugeness will shut
                       your kiss

Last edited by tsuwm; 04/16/07 01:50 PM.
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Carpal Tunnel
Carpal Tunnel
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The scroll bar is quite essential to use this code well.Missed that part at first.
Thanks you for inf . and e.e. cummings. Now see if this works
. Think I got it. Yes!


He thought he saw an elephant
That practised on a fife:
He looked again, and found it was
a letter from his wife.
"At lenght I realise, "he said,
The bitterness of life!"

He thought he saw a Buffalo
Upon the chimney-piece:
He looked again, and found it was
His Sister's Husband's niece.
"Unless you leave this house, "he said,
Ï'll send for the police!"

He thought he saw a Rattlesnake
That questioned him in Greek :
He looked again, and found it was 
The Middle of Next Week.
"The one thing I regret," he said
Ïs that it cannot speak!"
From a nonsense rhyme by C.L. Dodgson.


Last edited by BranShea; 04/16/07 05:48 PM.
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The links to conventions and how people chose their nicknames gives me a 404 error. Is it me?

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Originally Posted By: Bigwig Rabbit
The links to conventions and how people chose their nicknames gives me a 404 error. Is it me?

nope, it's not you. the boardware's been changed since that thread, and the url is wrong now. I'm working on finding it again.

formerly known as etaoin...
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Thanks. I'll monitor the thread. I'll be patient too.

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Carpal Tunnel
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I can't find it, but perhaps someone else can. think of some other names for nicknames and that'd put us on the right track.

formerly known as etaoin...
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I think I'm more interested in the link to "conventions" (which I take to be guidelines for proper etiquette). The following is the listed URL (which leads to 404ville):

If I'm mistaken about the contents there, let's not bother with finding it, if it still exists. Thanks for the help.

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Jackie Offline OP
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Yow--thank you very much, Bigwig Rabbit--I hadn't realized the link was no good; the conventions one, I mean. I think I finally found out why, but there's not a thing I can do about it. I found this page (look for 9/7/05 and 9/9/05), and remembered I had made Sparteye's post sticky. The link both on her post there, and on Musick's in the thread just above it also give the "Not Found" result. Then I tried looking up all of Sparteye's posts, and...the earliest shown is 5/23/05. For whatever reason, her posts before then are not accessible. To me, anyway.
I have tried finding post # 17,030; it's just too frustrating. I think I'll bring this to Anu's attention.

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I believe the quote from "The Mad Gardener" was actually written by Lewis Carroll. Garrison Keillor has sung it on his program.

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Lewis Carroll is a pen name used by Charles Lutwidge Dodgson.

Last edited by morphememedley; 06/16/08 12:51 PM.
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Oops. thanks for the correction.

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Carpal Tunnel
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As a newcomer, who has not participated in l77,000 of your conversations, some of this really is frustrating. You may know what you are talking about, but a newcomer does not. Do you think "hints' for newcomers' could be clarified??

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Carpal Tunnel
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it's like I mentioned earlier in this thread, the stuff on the page labeled "JO'S HELPFUL HINTS" is somewhat useless, in that much of it refers to a previous incarnation of this site which was called AWADtalk.

in order to be truly HELPFUL, someone should generate an equivalent page, or FAQ, which is applicable to Wordsmith Talk -- I just don't have the time right now (I suspect this is also true for other stalwarts such as Jackie and Faldage) and the eponymous JO long ago decamped from these parts.

and, just as a reminder, Wordsmith his own self leaves us to our own devices; so here we are...

meanwhile, your best bet as a newcomer is to ask direct questions here, specific to an area that is causing you trouble or concern.

Last edited by tsuwm; 06/25/08 09:56 PM.
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old hand
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 Originally Posted By: LukeJavan8
As a newcomer, who has not participated in l77,000 of your conversations, some of this really is frustrating. You may know what you are talking about, but a newcomer does not. Do you think "hints' for newcomers' could be clarified??

I am relatively new, but I can give you some suggestions for ways to manage the conversations on these boards.

1. Use the "Forum List" link when you want to post a question or comment starting a new thread. The "General Topics" will guide your choice of thread. If you are stuck, pick "Miscellany". Make the title of your post specific to catch the eye of potential responders. Use this link, also, to find topics of interest to you.

2. Bookmark the "Active Topics: Past 24 Hours" link. If you check this regularly, you can keep an eye on the newest postings.

3. You might lose track of where you have posted (I have!), but you can always find your posts by following the "My Stuff: My Posts" link (it's at the bottom). You can also check anyone else's posts by clicking on the poster's name and scrolling to "View Posts" at the bottom.

4. If you find something too obscure to be familiar to you, you have many choices. Ignore it. Google it. Wiki it. Ask in a post. If you are worried about appearing "dumb", you have the option of sending a PM (Private Message) to anyone asking whatever you like.

5. Be a duck with the frustration. It will ease up as you learn when to do which from #4.

I hope this helps! :0)

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Carpal Tunnel
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 Originally Posted By: twosleepy

4. If you find something too obscure to be familiar to you, you have many choices. Ignore it. Google it. Wiki it. Ask in a post. If you are worried about appearing "dumb", you have the option of sending a PM (Private Message) to anyone asking whatever you like.

Remember. There are a lot of people here from all over the world and they know a lot of different obscure things. Some of them (who, me?) just sort of assume that everyone knows all the same stupid stuff as they do, so don't be afraid to ask.

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Carpal Tunnel
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 Originally Posted By: LukeJavan8
As a newcomer, who has not participated in l77,000 of your conversations, some of this really is frustrating. You may know what you are talking about, but a newcomer does not. Do you think "hints' for newcomers' could be clarified??

from the "hints" page: How Do I Know If A Subject Has Been Discussed?

first, someone might (reasonably) ask: Why should I care if a subject has been discussed? (1) Some of us have actually read most of those 177,000 conversations and have become (predictably) jaded. (2) Chance would have it that there are some real gems among all of those that you might actually find enjoyable or instructive.

thus, you can use the forum Search function to find whether, for example, a particular word has been discussed here. (I, personally, get much use out of the forum Search function in researching my "rehashed topics" threads [see page 6 of Miscellany for most recent post].)

first, notice that there are two Search links up at the top of the page. The topmost one is the AWAD site search, which you can use to search the entire site, but is not useful for searching within these forums.

it's the second Search down that you want for doing a forum search. Clicking that link opens up the Search form, which looks a bit daunting at first blush, but there are only three(3) fields that you need concern yourself with, 1) verify that you have "All Forums" selected in the left-hand frame 2) enter your "Keyword Terms" in the box at the top of the right-hand frame [this is the word or phrase you're looking for] 3) fill in the "Date Range" [ Newer than 10 Years is a maximum search, and you don't need to furthur narrow this]. Then click the "Submit" button at the bottom of the form.

for example, if I wanted to find the thread(s) where the word "jamfled" was discussed, I'd select All Forums, Search Terms = jamfled, Date Range = Newer than 10 Years. The results looks something like this, with each line being a link to the respective post:

. Re: rehashed topic #4 - jamfled Miscellany tsuwm 08/28/07 11:01 AM
. Re: rehashed topic #4 - jamfled Miscellany Myridon 08/28/07 10:51 AM
. rehashed topic #4 - jamfled Miscellany tsuwm 08/28/07 10:34 AM
. Re: jamfled? Q&A about words zmjezhd 02/23/07 08:45 AM
. Re: jamfled?? Q&A about words BranShea 02/23/07 08:05 AM
. Re: jamfled?? Q&A about words Jackie Administrator 02/23/07 06:31 AM
. Re: jamfled?? Q&A about words BranShea 02/23/07 05:23 AM
. Re: jamfled?? Q&A about words Hydra 02/23/07 04:28 AM
. Re: jamfled?? Q&A about words BranShea 02/23/07 01:27 AM
. jamfled?? Q&A about words tsuwm 02/22/07 08:54 PM

[there are actually only two threads here, identified by the subject lines missing the "Re:" part.]

p.s. - you can actually get back in to the anals [sic] of AWADtalk history using this search. to wit, try searching for the phrase "arrow of time" [quotes required]...

Re: time Q&A about words wsieber 09/19/00 01:01 AM

Last edited by tsuwm; 06/26/08 04:14 PM. Reason: adding example
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Carpal Tunnel
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There is a dictionary and word of the day site called,
Your Dictionary . com. It has discussion similar to this site
with banter and repartee. It is not as old as Wordsmith, nor
is it as active. But it is infinitely easier to understand than all the garble on this site. Sorry Jackie, whoever, you are, nothing personal, but all your attempts at making it easier are about to lose me.

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For instance:
I was looking for the thread of conversatin concerning the
apostrophe, since I cannot seem to find any other word being discussed, including the word of the day. It seems to be gone, where do I go to find it??????

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Is there just a list on ongoing topics being discusssed? I finally found Miscellany, but I needed a word to key in. I don't know what word to key in. I am interested in just getting to read all the previous repartee and maybe participate, but it seems impossible at this site. Sorry for the frustration, but this site is almost impossible.

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Carpal Tunnel
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>Sorry for the frustration

me too. did you even try to use the search as outlined above?

with Search, All Forums , apostrophe, 1 Month
I immediately found this in Information and Announcements -- this very forum.

edit: which you'll also see if you look just down the page upon entering I & A! (click the Index link just below this box now at the bottom of the page as more posts get added.)

Last edited by tsuwm; 07/07/08 06:13 PM.
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now, if you're reading a post and want to get back to the 'top' of things, look at the 'top' of the page and click on Forums or Forum List -- that takes you where you might expect.

if you're reading a post and want to get back to the top of that thread, there's a little red blue 'Top' link (to the left, which turns red when you mouse over it) within the post which does that. (that's where you'll see the Forums and Forums List links!)

if you're reading a post and you want to send a PM to that author, click on the author's name (to the left, in the post) and click Send a PM.

Last edited by tsuwm; 07/07/08 06:09 PM.
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Jackie Offline OP
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hmm; I'll give it a shot. The main page shows the main categories, some of which are:
Information and announcements
Check this forum for latest developments about A.Word.A.Day

Q&A about words
Got questions about words? Post them here. Know the answer to a question? Share it here.

Wordplay and fun
The fun of words and words of fun.

Words and languages in schools
Forum for educators to share their experiences in using AWAD in their classrooms.

Odds and ends. This is the place for everything else. E.g. What is your favorite word? Did you coin a word? Share it here.

Weekly Themes
Topic of the week.

Click (when you're actually on the main page, not here) on any one of these titles (I put them in bold, above) to see the list of threads in them. THREADS are where the conversations take place--where you'll read and make posts.

For example, clicking on "Information and announcements" will show you a list that starts with these threads:

Tips for Newcomers

Updated Tips for Newcomers, 2008

Max's Useful Language Links

The official birthday thread

Useful language links

the apostrophe as discussed today in wordsmith.

Booklovers' playground

To find the recent discussion of the apostrophe after you have clicked on Information and announcements, click on the apostrophe as discussed today in wordsmith. If you (anyone) cannot remember which category or thread you want, try the Search function--I recommend using the most unusual of words: apostrophe, rather than discussion, for ex. BUT: if you are searching for a post (or a thread to put a post in), you must use the Search button that is between "Active Topics" and "FAQ"; NOT the one that's between "What's New and Site Map".

Luke, I'm sending you a PM* of the above. Please, anyone, feel free to contact me, and I in my clumsy way (I don't know all the proper apellations for things) will try to explain.

*To read your PM, look for the little envelope that should be flashing next to "My Stuff" at the top of your page. Then click on My Messages, then the message itself.

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Carpal Tunnel
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this site is something like the collier brothers apartment..

each forum, each topic, each thread (Millions of them!) is like a pile of paper, (the newest topic is always at the top, but the newest reply at the bottom)

there is a learning curve for this BB, (and others) while many are similar, each BB has its own quirks.

Many are willing to be helpful. (trouble is, we don't yet know your base line--where do we start?)

are you a computer newbie?
(and/or an internet newbie?
Are you computer literate, but new to BB's?
(BB are bulletin boards, which are not chat rooms, or ..)
Do you know/understand how a BB works?
(so maybe you know unix, or CMP, and can run circles round XP --this community, (a BB) is still something new to learn.

And this BB is not a normal one.

most BB's have 'admin's' (demi gods) who are strict, terrorizers.

we have Jackie (who has in her years as an admin here picked up a few tricks, but mostly she does NOTHING (OK, she helps newcomers more than average...)

WE are self organizing, and self monitoring. Our admin is not a demi god, but a butterfly.. (her touch is that gentle)

DO Read (print out) the FAQ--(its only about 4 sheets of paper.)

Do ask for help.

(again print out, read and follow along directions)

DO try to be specific in your questions.

(Personally i couldn't understand what the problem with the apostrophy thread was:
Did you not see it had 'sunk' (as new topics were added)
Did you not understand why it was in I & A?(because our dear admin tends to leave topics where they are.
MOVES (all to common in other BB's are rare on this BB.))

and--this BB has many members, but only 50 or so regular posters (there are many who post infrequently..LURKERS)
and there is a core group (that changes) that post frequently)
(the top poster, wwh, is deceased) and others from the top poster list are rarely seen, (and i keep dropping lower and lower on the list) but we are all here for PLEASURE. and will all do our part to make it a pleasurable experience for you too!

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to: tsuwm:
Thank you. Yes I did try to do what was outlined above. I am not extremely computer literate, and just learning. Hence I chose the "Robin" avatar, as Robin was trying to learn from Batman.I did the "search, all forum, apostrophe, one month" as you said, and found what I was looking for. Navigating around is quite difficult for me, it seems, But I am getting the hang of it. I see the "top" note, and I see now how it works. And to "of troy" my baseline. I should have mentioned some of it, I apologize, taking things for granted is a defect of mine: I am new to computer and Internet, only one year.Yes, I saw 'apostrophe' had "sunk" and I thought eliminated, I thank you all VERY MUCH for your help. I will not be a "lurker" as words fascinate me. I have to travel for about two months, and don't have a laptop, but I WILL BE BACK AND
CONTRIBUTING in a few weeks. It make much more sense to me now and again thank you for your help. Luke

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Great--Knowing your base line, that you are new to computers, we can do a lot to help..

this BB format, (unlike some) allows us to embed images (photo's and "screen shots" --being word nerds, we tend to USE words and language, but sometimes, a single image is worth a 1000 words.

some of us, (like me) have made a profession of training others in computer use--we 'speak" computer nerd, and we speak real english..

a lot of the info in the 'home made help pages' was made to assist users (like you!)

You are going to find a lot of bells and whistles, (all sorts of accent marks, symbols, and other fun stuff is used here.
(and since there are at least 3 different ways to create these special effects, if you want to learn HOW-you're going to get 3 lessons!)

Each method works.. each of us have our process..

and a BB like this has LOTS of ways to operate.

take color.. I work with a black background and a white foreground..(shade of gray color scheme) (but in my stuff, you can go to my preferences and change the default (and there are lots of other defaults you can change.. (and some of these will make some things easier, and some will make some things harder..)

We are glad you delurked.. and look forward to seeing you post, and will slowing ensnare you in our ways.. you'll soon be using different fonts, in different colors and will add symbols like ° (a degree symbol) with out a second thought!

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"I have to travel for 2 months"
have a wonderful time!

Zed #178099 07/09/08 04:50 PM
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I have to travel for two months too: everyone enjoy their summer.

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http://wordsmith.org/board/showthreaded.pl?Cat=&Board=announcements&Number=17030 is currently 404 not found. Last post in thread @five years ago.

What, me worry?

Hmm... /methinks I should perhaps hush up and lurk until I'm less noobish. Wouldn't want anyone to rush to assist when all will probably come clear in the fullness of time.

Last edited by pendant; 05/06/13 10:50 AM. Reason: Clueless noob opening mouth without engaging brain

Pendant, n. One who, by correcting others, gives himself (or herself) just enough rope by which to hang.
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As you can see the Tips for Newcomers thread at 07/09/08 12:50 PM changed into a travel announcement thread. I don't find it rude.

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Originally Posted By: morphememedley
Lewis Carroll is a pen name used by Charles Lutwidge Dodgson.

Thought I spent a day in a snooty private library where "all" of Lewis Carroll's books where held. Even had his picture on an early copy of Time or Look Magazine behind glass.

Did I go down a rabbit-hole or what...Hell yeah. Googled and that ain't him. It was J. D. Salinger. I feel mo better.

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Originally Posted By: pendant

Hmm... /methinks I should perhaps hush up and lurk until I'm less noobish. Wouldn't want anyone to rush to assist when all will probably come clear in the fullness of time.

Aye, don't go pikie. You wouldn't by chance have any good pikie stories to tell. Or bad ones...the badder the better.

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Originally Posted By: LukeJavan8
As a newcomer, who has not participated in l77,000 of your conversations, some of this really is frustrating. You may know what you are talking about, but a newcomer does not. Do you think "hints' for newcomers' could be clarified??

Sheit...Find solace in your ignorance, it is all you will ever have.

I gave up reading assembly instructions on Christmas Eve about a hundred years ago. Swore off reading all instructions. Don't tell nobody...but I think Nazis write them. You'll know what I mean if the Instruction Nazis ever get a-hold of you. And for Christ's Sake! Don't tell-um I told you.

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