frippery itself has been adjectivized, as has frippish (marked obs. rare by OED).

1739 GRAY Lett. Wks. 1884 II. 49 That city..made so frippery an appearance, that instead of spending some days there..we only dined, and went on to Parma. 1768 FOOTE Devil on 2 Sticks I, In spite of the frippery French Salick laws, a woman is a free agent. 1795 Jemima I. 161 His so frippery. 1844 Blackw. Mag. LV. 200 Neither will they be persuaded by the frippery tomes which load the counters. 1859 JEPHSON Brittany v. 55 Numbers of frippery and vulgar ornaments on the table. 18.. M. PATTISON Mem. ii. (1885) 89 Betake the frippery work of attending boards.

1787 Generous Attachment I. 156 Let them erect their pompous edifices with all the frippish grandeur of modern architecture.