>>>Yahoo is Swift's corruption of Jehu, a king of Israel, the son of Jehoshaphat.

Can you explain that deaconb? I don't see why that would be.

J=Y (as in Jehova/Yaweh)

[/did I interrupt?]

No, no, not at all Insel. I can grasp what he's saying, I just don't understand why the leap was made to say that this is what Swift did.

Why would we assume that Swift corrupted the name Jehu to create yahoo?

It sound like one of those explanations that people use when they try to explain a word by saying it used to be an acronym for something, but you find it really wasn't.

Was Swift well-known for flipping through the bible to find words to corrupt and invent meanings for? Maybe he was, I don't know, I don't read Swift.

Maybe it is my perverse need to, (arrgh, what's the word in English for "décortiquer"?) ... need to sort things out until it makes sense in my mind.

This one doesn't seem to make sense, so I asked.