Feast of Saint Gregory the Illuminator? This apparently is the patron saint of Armenia, which claims to be the first Christian state as a result of his conversion of the improbably named King Trdat.

You seem to have chosen wisely, but exactly how many multiple birthdays would you like to celebrate Father Steve?!

The Armenians (Monophysites and Uniates) keep the feast of their apostle on 30 September, when his relics were deposed at Thortan. They have many other feasts to commemorate his birth (August 5) , sufferings (February 4) , going into the pit (February 28) , coming out of the pit (October 19) , etc… The Byzantine Church keeps his feast (Gregorios ho phoster) on 30 September, as do also the Syrians (Nilles, I, 290-292). Pope Gregory XVI, in September, 1837, admitted his namesake to the Reman Calendar; and appointed 1 October as his feast (among the festa pro aliquibus locis).


That’s a lot of birthday cake... :)
