Yes, many times.. and then you "POWER Post" making long, long post, (one after another, after another) that have nothing to do with the topic on hand, or you pull out a sock puppets (see PLUTARCH: AKA to learn all the aliases, if you are unfamiliar) and have pretend dialogues, or you post 'advertizements' for your limerick of the day or your limerick news. Do you want a site for limericks? creat one. THIS IS NOT YOUR PERSONAL DOMAIN TO SUBVERT TO YOUR PURPOSES.

and News? tom cruise isn't news. if i wanted to read about him or paris hilton, i could subscribe to People or watch the garbage for free on TV. i don't need to pay for IPS, and pay for a telephone call.

Tell me, do you let anyone post anything they want about any subject (say reams of tex about Paris Hilton)on the Emerald Ash Borer site? should i go try? I'll cut and paste your posts (your MacGuffins and other garbage over there.) How about that, Mr. Holland? YOu are so proud of all you have to contribute, lets share it with wider audience.