Dear Friends:

I have made this offer many times before, and honored it faithfully each time, and I will once again now for the record.

Anyone who leaves me in peace will be left in peace in return.

There is no mean-spirited, abusive strategy that some of you people have not practiced on me, alone or in concert, including trying to intimidate me in my personal life by spreading lies, in the beginning in malacious PMs, and now even onscreen.

I cautioned some months ago that I will no longer absorb your abuse without answering back. As you know, I tried ignoring the warmongering of ASp and Of Troy by turning the other cheek for over three months, from December '04 through March '05, and it didn't work. My refusal to respond to their insults and innuendos only escalated the ferocity of their abuse.

While I will continue to defend myself when attacked without provocation, I will continue to do so honorably. I will not resort to the tactics which some of you employ against me - including the use of vulgarities, malacious PMs which include libels, contrived complaints about inoffensive posts, and constant harping and sermonizing and haranguing about real or imagined peccadillos, current or ancient.

Some of you don't like my limericks. Fine. I moved them into limerick threads in "Wordplay and Fun" to keep you happy.