"If a discussion you are involved in turns into a flame war, you might want to think about how you can douse the flames. Sometimes the best way is simply not to get involved, if nobody replies the flamer has nothing to burn."

http://www.sofweb.vic.edu.au/internet/netiquet.htm#Rule 7

"Usually the best basic advice is to ignore the troll. It will probably go away if denied attention. This is the best way, but it is sometimes not very effective from your point of view if no one else follows this advice. Allowing the troll to spew unanswered may also give a clueless newbie the impression that the troll won the argument, and if the troll is on a crusade, this could be a Bad Thing."


"What if someone continues to post to the Usenet news in a language that offends you? The best action is simply not to read any postings from that person."


"Sometimes trolls feel that they serve a community purpose, by shaking things up, stirring up discussion, playing the DevilsAdvocate, by being the CourtJesters, but they really aren't. They are a perversion of all those purposes. Nonetheless, you are never going to get rid of them. Wherever there's a crowd there's an attention seeker. It's human nature. Naturally, the best way to get rid of them is to stop paying attention."
