An open post to ChurlPat and the Contrarian:

I don't post often; I've posted once in a very angry way to Plutarch. I keep thinking about leaving, too, but keep persuading myself that there is more good than bad here.

I have enjoyed posts from both of you and feel exceedingly angry and sad that you are considering leaving. I honestly have no suggestions about how to get Plutarch to stop what he's doing, and I think I join many others on this board in feeling helpless about the situation. Much else in life has me feeling helpless and at times hopeless; it would be great to have this place back as a source of inspiration, humor and comraderie.

Helen, do you think complaints/examples to Wordsmith will really help? Can/will he do something about Plutarch's actions? If you believe he will, I'll send him a PM or whatever it takes to express my feelings to him.

At any rate, I do hope you, ChurlPat and the Contrarian, and ANY OTHERS, as you consider your continued participation, will keep this post and the expressions of others here in mind.


What sane person could live in this world and not be crazy? -Ursula K. Le Guin, author (1929- )