Whether that is a good thing for the Board or not, I will leave to others to judge.

Really? I don’t get that impression-- since when others (do you want a list? I have lots of lists--lots of NAMES) have complained about your long, boring non word, “gossipy’ types posts—and stated your behavior was a reason for leaving this board, you seemed to say..
Well they are free to come and go as they please.

So when “judgment’ has been made, you “ignore’ the judgment.—and what’s more, you have claimed, no one has the right to judge you or the quality of your post. (So you seem to want to have it both ways!)

BUT, to be honest.—others shouldn’t be judging you.

Shouldn’t you be able to judge your own behavior? Aren’t you an adult, capable of reason? Shouldn’t you be able to understand this board, part of WORDSMITH is dedicated to discussions about words?

This often becomes discussions about local (or not so local ) lexis’s or idioms, or about parts of speech, (is spindle a noun or a verb?) about greek and latin (and norse, and a host of other languages) and how they have contributed to English.

And while you ‘ complain’ that media today is full of MacGuffins., you seem to be intent on providing MacGuffin after MacGuffin – opening topics that are just barely about words to begin with, and that quickly become, by virtue of your repeat posting, nothing at all to do with words, word usage, word play, or any other vaguely language related topic. They become thread about thread about “paris hilton’ , or tom cruise
(and you direct other to limericks in other forums about “news’—and indicate the topic there is tom cruise too) or other trite media topics.

do you really think tom cruise and his antics are news? Aren’t you here arguing against such non news masquerading as news? ) again- you seem to want to hold to opposing postions..do you have any postions? Or do you just do what ever is expedient at the time? --right now you seem rather two faced and duplicitous.

Tell me, what does tom cruise, or Publicity stunts the latest trend in Bollywood or Celebrity vérité or any of your other posts in this thread have to do with words, in any sort of way?

(OK, you used words to construct the post, but then English is heavy dependent on words!)

I have, up to this point, basically ignored this thread—since I recognized very quickly it was just an other example of your pushing your own agenda…and it was buried in Misc.. where, often, topics have strayed far from the subject of words.. but –you said.. Whether that is a good thing for the Board or not, I will leave to others to judge.

Do you want our judgment? Will you listen? Or will you once again whine and complain every one is picking on you?

Or perhaps you can asses your own behavior:
Is this thread anything about the word MacGuffin?
Or is this whole thread just another example of you using a MacGuffin to actually post the very garbage (media hype) you seem to be against?

and do you really think snoot or anyone is honoring you for your repeated MacGuffins?

Oh by the way, thank you for the word MacGuffin..—It a good term to define exactly what seems to be going on here.—its so much easier to form a well reasoned argument when you know exactly what it is that you are against.

and do you really think snoot or anyone is honoring you for your repeated MacGuffins?