the worthless word for the day is: achromatopsia

[fr. Greek akhromatos, without color + -opsia]
/a krO muh TAHP see ah/
a visual defect marked by total color blindness,
the colors of the spectrum being seen in tones of

"Total colorblindness caused by brain damage, so-called
cerebral achromatopsia, though described more than
three centuries ago, remains a rare and important
condition." - Oliver Sacks, An Anthropologist on Mars

"Scdoris has congenital achromatopsia, a hereditary
visual impairment that affects her ability to properly
perceive depth and fine details, particularly in bright
light." - Corvallis Gazette Times, OR - Jun 25, 2005

I didn't know there was such a thing as "total" colorblindness.