this word is of no value at all, as the only evidence for it is in an incunabulum -- in this case an olde, English/Latin wordbook.

the worthless word for the day is: unthirlable

[fr. un- + thirlable]
obs. impenetrable

according to OED2, unthirlable and thirlable itself
are only to be found in Catholicon Anglicum, an
English-Latin wordbook c. 1483; to wit,
Thirleabylle, penetrabilis
Vn Thyrleabylle, jnpenetrabilis

[f. OE thirl: hole, perforation]
obs. rare that may be thirled or pierced; penetrable

Our lawyer presented the case with unthirlable logic.

edit: <mutter> shoulda saved thirlable for a round of hogwash®..