Dear Of Troy:

I have been an admirer of your talents from the beginning, and would be again if you would focus them on creative ideas, where your true talent lies, and not obsess yourself with self-destructive hatred of me.

I am no threat to you, Of Troy. I am no threat to you or your talent.

How often have I offered peace, Of Troy, and how often have you and ASp refused it?

Let's go back to December 2004, in the weeks before Christmas.

How many times, in the weeks both before and after Christmas 2004, did I offer to put the past behind and make peace in the spirit of Christmas, if not for ourselves, then at least for the good of the Board?

And how many times did you and ASp come storming back in ferocious attack, as a team, again and again, unprovoked, with Plutarch turning the other cheek each and every time?

How long did this extended diatribe of yours and ASp go on, Of Troy, after I offered, no begged, for peace in the best interests of the Board at large? For 3 months and more, Of Troy, until at last, Plutarch, called it quits when you and ASp defended, unblushingly, that "gold showers" vulgarity posted as an insult in reply to my "Golden Rule" post: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you".

At that point, I thought even the old-timers themselves would have had enough of your disastrous warmongering, Of Troy. Yours and ASp's.

Yet I return after several weeks, as Carpathian to test the waters and to caution that there will be no more "turn-the-other-cheek" Plutarch, and you and ASp are as full of malice and selfish bellicosity as ever.

These are facts which are subject to independent corroboration, Of Troy.

These are real facts. Not imagined or manipulated facts or half-truths.