no churl, you don't realize--when you or i speculate.. or make a WAG (wild a**ed guess) it's all in good fun.

PLUTARCH doesn't make WAG's. He pontificates. Catholic Popes rare invoke the papal voice that is use to declare a truth.. most of what the pope said is held to be just words from a man wise enough to rise the position of pope.

every once in a while, a pope will make a pronouncement that is held to be "from god"

But PLUTARCH-He is sure every word he writes or utters in the supreme truth.. from god mouth to his ear exclusively, and we had all better listen.. HE KNOWS. NO WAG's for him. his speculations are sights to behold..

idiot? maybe. Egotist? undoubtedly.. and wrong? NEVER.
or so he believes..
now if he could only get everyone in the world to see it.

(but alas, most of us here are nonbelievers)