Thanks so much for the time you and Faldage gave "geehaw" with Erin. I was delighted with her enthusiasm for the word both times you mentioned it to her. I bought the OAD update as soon as it came out (providing grandkids with my older one). I'm sorry I wasn't around to interact with Erin. One of the things that occurred to me is that there's enough difference in the much larger OED and the OAD that I wonder if Erin/staff of the OAD crosscheck their words with the OED. For example, the concept of "gee" by itself as agreement isn't even in the OAD. No problem. However, the OAD doesn't even list the gee and haw, right and left that surely has been common ever since "horsedom" or "muldedom" or whatever. Further, the close relationship of "geehaw" to Alaskan huskies and other canines doesn't seem to show up in all these discussions; and as I traced "geehaw" all over the cyberspace universe with search engines to the nth degree, I found quite a bit on canine usage of "geehaw."
TMI (Or as my college granddaughter explained to me, "Too much information!" Sorry about that. I do have another life besides the enjoyment I've been getting of geehawing here with you fine folks:). I've been going back and forth one of our fine bb guys on "nidifguous" and "nidiculous," which is one of my favorite contrasts in the bird kingdom. Just a thought for those no in the know on those words but are interested.
Again, thanks so much for the interview time you/Faldage and Erin devoted to "geehaw."--Genuinely/Appreciatively, Johnnie G

Johnnie Godwin

Johnnie Godwin