were you saying that jodphurs is the misspelling? No, dag nab it! I was trying to get people to throw up their hands in horror, and squawk, "You're wrong! You're wrong! The prrropah way of spelling it is of course...". Dag-gone--have you all been infected with niceness, or something?

JFTR, when I googled the two versions before posting, I got something like jodhpurs 83,000 and jodphurs 23,000.

aware that there even is a city named Jodhpur! Well, I wouldn't have been had it not been for that book; which is really why I decided to read it. I know very little about India and even less about her history. I have been trying to discover exactly how it was that England came to take it over, and am having only marginal success.

Oh--I just reminded myself of another question: a couple of times in the book, I have seen ref.'s to an amount of...Rupees?, for ex.: R 1,50,000. Can anybody tell me how many 1,50,000 of anything is? That first comma has me bumfuzzled.