Don't you love our mediated, pre-formatted, stencil life! Real sport and direct personal interaction is bordering on vulgar already, as prophesied by various sci-fi writers. Bring on the 3-D environments! Upload me now!

Friends of mine have these dance-pad games and they are fun! They have apparently been using it for exercising too. It's a cool fad - fine, but why is it that playing with them gets boring fairly quickly for most, whereas say, throwing a ball around never does? - Too little novelty, to much predictability.

"It could be related to the environments in schools -- we sign lots of contracts with fast food chains and soft drink companies to promote the consumption of their products in schools, and we de-emphasize quality physical education."

-I'm getting a YART-attack<g> - I'm going somewhere called "outside" now - I'll report back later;-)