Folks, I'm looking for a word to describe a person or person's specific activity. I'll describe the scenario, and then I'm wide open on thoughts.

Team leader A asked team leader B for something that while was not directly in the project scope, will certainly be necessary for future projects. Team leader B did not want to do this work. Instead of just saying so, TL B goes into a filibuster-like rant about how if we're going to work on things out of scope, then we might as well cancel all the projects, re-establish scope and restart the projects. In his rant it was obvious that he wasn't serious about cancelling, but wanted to, in a way, grandstand to make a point that the requested item was out of scope. The whole thing was exasperating and a bit embarassing as TLB made our dept. appear...kind of immature to be honest.

Anyway, I am looking for a word to describe him and/or his behavior in this case. I'm thinking of something similar to 'obstructionist', not so much an antagonist. I'm sure there's a word to describe the kind of "Well if that's how you feel well then we'll just ya ta da da this and do that and blah blah blah, and you'll have this and we'll have that...and blah blah blah" line of BS.


Any thoughts?