max, redefine mama as your current wife..

now- now important is her happiness to your current life?

Personal politics, --getting along with family members, work mates, neighbors is vital to all of us.. we are social animals, that chose, (generally) to live in groups.

sometimes a group as small as 2.. often larger than that.

Primates that live in harems, (where one male dominates and is father to all of the children of the group) re-enforce dominance with sex.
a new male coming into a group will often kill any unweaned young, and immediately set about getting the females pregnant with his sire.

Not all primates live in Single male dominated (or even in male dominate groups) but for all animals that live in groups, social interaction (from simple grooming) to who gets to have sex with who, and how often are big part of the social structure.

one group of monkeys has 'solved' the problems of tension between members by freely, and frequently engaging in sex.

the young are taught (by example) to masterbate, and engage in sex play. the adult are the human equivalent of 'swingers'. there are very few 'partners'--rather all members of the troop sexually interact with each other. including male to male and female to female sex acts.

Researchers freely admit, that animals that behave in ways that human society are uncomfortable with, often don't reported on, or their behaviors are glossed over.

in addition to other characteristic we share, sexual pleasure seem to be import to a number of other primates.

sexual is used to bond relationships, at one extreme by dominating and controling the sex females can get (where a single dominate male gets all the woman and all the sex,) or at the other extreme by equalizing and reducing tension by having all females available to all comers at all times..

and by many other behaviors that fall between these extremes.