Re: All primates - and we certainly are primates - have what are called 'male dominance hierarchies'. This means that the meanest monkey in a tribe takes control of the group resources, the females, the weaker males, and this character runs the show, and this is pretty much how we do it today.

i don't agree with statement.

1--not all primate have male dominated 'social' structures--many do, but not all.

and human's have had (and continue to have) many forms of social living.. matriarchial societies are not abnormal for humans, less common perhaps, but many societies have had matrilinal succession of 'kings/queens', and many societies value village elder (men and woman) equally.

anthropologist have noted, the size of males sex organs are a good indicator if a primate society is generally poligamous, or monogamst.. and humans (as indicated by the size, relively, of male sex organs) tend to be closer to a monogamast.. and tend to have one to one relationships, even if, serially, partners are changed every few years.

We might not mate for life, but generally men have one to one relationship with females.
for the most part, men are unable to perform multiple sex acts, (with one or several partners) with any frequency. and they are unable to sustain 'harems' based on sex, and keeping the females satisfied (sexually) or even just pregnant, since women living in a 'harem' type situation tend to sychronize their ovulation.)

harams have existed.. but most often they were shows of power (money/assets) rather than a situation were one dominate male being responsible for impregnating all submissive females --something a Silver back ape can do--Mature Silver backs can have sex a dozen or more times a day, for days on end.. a feat few 20 year old men can accomplish--and almost no mature (40year old) man can boast of- and all the viagra, cialis and other drugs in the world doesn't change this.