Well--I can't speak for wow's motivation, but it was posts like this that led to so many of us becoming friends: posts that are likely be of interest to many people; posts that gave hints as to our personal lives and interests; posts that lead to discussions of our personal experiences. We have had many such, over the years, that have not been language-related; for example, the obituary threads. It just gives folks a chance to talk. I'll say again that I am not consistent; and I'm certainly not saying, "Yes--let's talk about anything and everything no matter how far removed from language the topic is". I cannot say that one post a week, or ten a year, is too many off-topic posts; I pretty much take them on a case-by-case basis. I tend to frown on blatant self-promotion, and would object if some person(s) consistently posted on, say, canine health. But the occasional one--and from someone whom I have every reason to believe was posting with nothing but good intentions? I have no problem with that. But that's just me. I didn't mind a bit, being taken back for a few moments to the time when we trusted and enjoyed each other. How I wish...