I'm afraid I've led a very sheltered life.
My Dad was born in Bushmills, and that's the whiskey I grew up on. [Snort!]
I savor sipping it during the course of an evening of music and conversation.
two fingers of Bush in a mug, squirt of lemon, spoonful of sugar (honey for preference, mind you),
EWWWW-wwww--you people are sick! Sick, I say! Whiskey is nasty! And bourbon's even nastier!! [shudder e] (Yes, I am a Kentuckian.) I too was made to drink honey-whiskey-lemon as a cough remedy when I was a child, but only a few times; then I rebelled. Give me a nice, sweet drink that tastes like a jazzed-up milkshake any day; or a Hurricane--I had one in Florida that reminded me how good they are.