It isn't widely known, but the man elected Pope was actually the second choice. The first choice was Cardinal Katzenberger. He had been an ace fighter pilot in WWII; no mission was too dangerous for him. They sent him out again and again--until the crash that cost him an arm; then he was retired with full pension. He, however, was determined to keep flying if he could, so he found work as a bush pilot in South Africa...until an unplanned treetop "landing" cost him an eye. Then he found work in one of the silver mines prior to getting the call and becoming a Cardinal; the only misfortune that came from this job was that one of the chemicals caused him to develop purpura: a condition that leaves purplish patches on the skin. This was why he wasn't elected Pope: they didn't think the people would accept a one-eyed, one-armed flying purple papal leader.