nah, i've eaten raw squid (not twice mind you, but..)

it looked sort of like a jelly fish.. it had less substance than a squid. (it was way to gelly like for me.. i don't like gelitan, or okra, or other gelatinous foods much--(they are a particular favorite of the japanese.. they have dish of fermented soy beans that smell like it has gone bad, and the beans are slimy. they serve them with raw egg.. and they gobble them up.. yuck! i like my pasta al dente cause its too gross when over cooked--raw eggs are okay if they are whipped (into meregue)and okay semi solid (soft boiled) but i don't much like any foods that are slimy or gelatious--(i love chinese food, but dislike the classic cantonese dish of shrimp with lobster sause cause the sause is too...yuck!) but my chinese friends were surprise i didn't mind congelled blood..(chinese style black pudding) but, hey, black pudding is food.. whynot?