>Great site - thanks TEd. But surely it only half agrees with m'inestimable friend? It says that ortho-cousins describes those children born to a pair of same-sex siblings, and cross-cousins are those born to a brother and sister, surely?

Isn't that what Faldage said? I interpreted his post to mean that ortho-cousins are the children of two brothers or two sisters and that cross-cousins are the children of brother and sister.

Among other things I found very interesting in this exercise that there is such a huge disparrity in Ghits between orthocousin and ortho-cousin.

But I'm still trying to figure out what the heck difference it makes if you and that other person are ortho-cousins or cross-cousins. For what possible reason could there be a distinction. I would have been less surprised to see that there were different designations for boy-cousins and girl-cousins.