I kinda know what a blue / red tick hound looks like. What I don't quite get is where the name comes from? Is it because the markings look a little like big ticks?

I've always had a great love of dogs. Until I left home for college, I don't think I ever went more than 2 or 3 months without a dog(s). After I married I discovered that my wife really hates dogs - or even the idea of owning pets. After much nagging, we (daughters and I) finally convinced her that our family *needs* a dog. So we got a Jack Russell Terrier (JRT) for the kids about 6 months ago. They make out like these are some kind of unruly beast-dogs, but really this is the best dog I've ever had. I admit she's stubborn, but she's quite smart and she gets along with everyone and other dogs. She's also quite trainable, though I'm trying to leave that to the kids. She barks a bit and she gets hyperexcited when she see's small, furry things running (squirrels, rabbits, mice, moles, young children) - but she's very good natured and is even-tempered. Now we're looking at another dog. The girls and I are in love with an american bulldog mix with a startlingly loving disposition, but I get a feeling my wife is going to nix this one. It's not clear. But we continue to check the local shelters and rescues. I'm considering widening the search to - you guessed it - blue/red tick hounds. I'm not a big fan of hounds, because I don't think they're as smart or trainable as other breeds. But I do like the looks of these dogs and I tend to go more on personality and gut feeling about a dog than on perceived intelligence or looks. Besides, I kinda like the idea of a challenge.

I have two questions, really:
1) What is the origin of the term, or what does it refer to?
2) What are the "breed's" characteristics?

(I use breed in quotes, because it's not clear to me that it's a breed unto itself.) I'm looking for another group in which to ask the second question, but I'm hoping you guys might give me some insight into the first.
