Now what was I doing...oh yeah, I was setting up an elaborate analogy to craftily nuance the differences between the cultural evolution of the Cro-magnons and the physical evolution of the Neanderthals when I got cut off.
Sorry about that; it was late and I was singing and writing and drinking, and only God knows what method of madness I used to cut myself off.
Too bad, it was what you all most needed to know about the implications of the event, but it'll be in the news one day soon and you'll know then.
Anyway we'll skip that part and go straight to the conclusion...
130,000 years...200,000 years, so what?Time, that,s what. The additional 70,000 years allows the Ethiopian skull caps to fit into a theoretical scheme with a time framework that makes good sense.
Now an African genesis for mankind can be strongly stated. And even better, one of the central problems of the African Exodus theory of mankind's spread about the globe is that the fossil record doesn't allow enough time for mankind divergence into today's three racial groups.
But the new dates from Ethiopia agree with a latter day Diaspora for the human race and this, when proved conclusively, will change our thinking about ourselves forever.
And now, by simple logic, I can proudly say that I can fix the time of the African dispersal within a few thousand years. Can you?
(If you had been listening you could.)